Monday, April 9, 2012

Journal #3- Film Analysis

Journal #3

The Blind Side is a very good movie in my opinion. I think I like it so much because of the setting and character type.  In the movie there is a very clear line between the upper and lower class. 

The main character Michael Oher has trouble getting into a very nice school because of his past educational background and in my opinion by the way he looks.  The mother of the family that takes him in is played by Sandra Bullock; she has a big effect on why I like the movie so much.  I’ve always liked her as an actress in all other movies she’s acted in.  There’s a scene in the movie when Bullock and some of her regular friends meet for lunch.  It is there when her very elegantly dressed friends find out that she is actually serious about helping this boy get on the right track, and she will so anything to help. Her friends quickly change the way they are thinking and say “you’re changing that boys life” and she says, “…No he’s changing mine.” The way of thinking between the upper class is expressed a lot differently between her friends and Sandra herself as a character. There’s an aspect of the movie that leaves you wondering how this kid with no family actually makes it to the NFL, that kind of context intrigues me when it comes to movies.     

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